lördag 21 juni 2014

Roses in embroidery, crochet and knitting in Dala-Floda - part 2 (Påsöm)

Embroidered jackets and wrist-warmers, Dala-Floda
Day two was all about the local embroidery tradition, in Swedish it is called "Påsöm". Anna-Karin Jobs Arnberg (born in Dala-Floda) was our teacher and her skill and enthusiasm made the classes an real joy.
Embroidery on woman´s jacket, Dala-Floda
Embroidery was not just a part of the local traditional costumes, but also a way for women to earn a living. Especially in the second half of the nineteenth century when the floral motives became very popular in all of Sweden. The women of Dala-Floda where known for their embroidery skills and their products where bought and sold in Stockholm and many other cities in Sweden.
Embroidery on woman´s jacket, Dala-Floda
The techniques were passed on from generation to generation and Anna-Karin is in that aspect a link in an unbroken chain. She had prepared a sampler that we were all to copy, and her instructions were systematic and progressive - even I could follow, although I am not comfortable with needle and thread.
But I enjoyed working with all the bright colours and found the day both inspiring and enjoyable.
Man´s wrist-warmer, Dala-Floda
We also saw samples of  men`s wrist-warmers. These wrist-warmers (shown in my photos) pre-date the floral motives seen on the jackets in the pictures above. Their characteristics are more geometrical motives, flowers were not used.  Wrist-warmers were only worn by men at that time. They are very ornamented and often feature many and very bright colours. Wrist-warmers for women came later and they were then crocheted and decorated with pearls.
Man´s wrist-warmer, Dala-Floda

5 kommentarer:

  1. Så tacksam över dina bloginlägg om tvåändsstickning och broderi.Hoppas kunna gå kurs nästa år.

    1. Hej Ulla. Roligt att du uppskattar bloggen. Jag kan verkligen rekommendera kurserna i Dala-Floda, de är givande på så många sätt. Ha en bra fortsättning på midsommarhelgen.

  2. Interessant aa se disse manlige plagg. Fine og kraftige motiver. Fokusen ligger saa sterk paa aa vise frem den fargerike blomsterprakten naa til dags, jeg har ofte lurt paa hva de brukte til mennene. Takk!
