söndag 1 juni 2014

Four days in Dala-Floda

Traditional embroidered woman´s jacket from Dala-Floda
I have just arrived home after four very inspiring days in Dala-Floda. I wrote a post about the courses in Dala-Floda in March. This was the course in twined knitting and traditional embroidery in Dala-Floda and surrounding parts of Dalarna. Ann-Karin Jobs Arnberg and Karin Kahnlund delivered beyond expectations and I think that many of us attending these days were a bit overwhelmed (in the nicest possible way). In this post I will not go into details - I`ll just share some of my photos.

Wonderful surroundings
Traditional embroidery from Dala-Floda

Traditional embroidery from Dala-Floda
An old mill
The old fulling mill - still in function
Sleeves in twined knitting
Old twined knitted half-mittens with embroidery
 Old traditional costume parts on sale
Old traditional costume parts on sale - embroidered purses
Old traditional costume parts on sale - woven and embroidered belts
Old twined knitted mittens with embroidery
Old twined knitted mittens with embroidery

3 kommentarer:

  1. Voine voine! ;-)
    Nästa år så viskar du i örat på mig när det är dax att anmäla sig.

  2. Tack själv! Vilken helg. Har knappt återhämtat mig, sitter på VR och drömmer om påsöm... ;)
