Every time I have knitted a scarf I tell myself that I don´t have to do that again. Often these projects feel a bit monotonous, and I find it hard to finish them without a period of knitting something else in between. So they tend to stretch in time. So I try to avoid them.
But then something gets in my way that make me start all over again. This time it was a yarn! "Black Bird" from Blue Moon Fiber Arts, 100 % Blue Faced Leicester. I just had to knit this.
And I finished it in a little more than a month. It measures 34 cm x 180cm (13,5 x 76 inches). I used 300 grams and knitted it with needles 3.5 mm (US 4). I am very satisfied with this. On the negative side I have to say that the yarn bled a lot both during knitting and when washing. Luckily that does not seem to have had a negative effect on the colours. Sorry - the colours in my photos does not do the yarn justice.
Lovely scarf....the knit fabric has a woven look to it :-)
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