söndag 11 september 2011

Black twined knitted mittens

When saying thank you is not enough, what does one do? For Gunilla I offered to knit mittens. Mittens that will last for years. 

I was prepared to knit mittens with complex patterns or many colours to show off the Twined knitting technique. But, I was asked to knit black mittens with no colour patterns, no striping, nothing extravagant. Possibly a hint of a second colour, and if so, it had to be gray.
I started these mittens a number of times, and frogged them over and over again. I became quite unhappy about how to design them and I got "knitter´s block" (if there ever was such an expression) about this project. It lasted until I decided to follow Gunilla´s wish to the point, it was after all quite explicit. 
Suddenly everything felt much better and knitting became a joy, as it should be.
So here they are, Black mittens knitted with my favourite yarn from Wålstedts in Dala-Floda, Dalecarlia. I used two black and one gray strand for casting on, traditionally it would have been one  in red, but Gunilla had said yes to gray so I used that. The only decorations used are  a couple of rows of an ornament that I saw in 2010 when visiting Dalecarlia studying old twined knitted items. 
 Next week these mittens  will be sent to Gunilla - hopefully she will like them.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Whoupss...så snygga! Och jag har stickat litet tvåändsstickat, men går nu på HV:s kurs med Karin K. Har du gjort det också?

    Har inte kommit närmare svaret om tant Willma om vi har gemensam koppling där... ;-))

    Ha det gott! //Gun


  2. @ Pysselfarmor

    tackar, tackar! Roligt att du hittat min blogg, och kul att höra att du går tvåändsstickningskursen på HV. Det var en fantastiskt rolig och lärorik kurs. Hälsa Karin K från mig.

  3. They are lovely and I am sure a challenge knitting with the dark color. But it is also the dark color that makes them special.

  4. @ Roberta
    Thank you for your kind comments, they are very encouraging.

  5. Wonderful! I am working on a pair myself (though I have a ways to go to achieve what you can do). I hope to make your hat later this autumn.

  6. @ Robert
    Thank you! Best luck with the hat. Do let me know if I can be of help.

  7. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  8. I just noticed my bad typing but could not figure out how to change it. So sorry.
    I meant to say -I am so happy-
    but it is late in the day and I have a cold.
    Take care.

  9. Oh, now that I am looking I guess I was able to erase the comment. But the most important part of the message is gone.
    Paraphrased old message.
    I was just looking at these mittens again and they are real beauties. Could you tell me the size needle you used and give my best to OP. I am also very happy you have started this blog.
    Please tell OP that I signed up for a weaving class this coming Feb. and will send him all the details.
    Take care

  10. @ Roberta
    I used double pins, size; US 1½ - 2.5 mm, and 72 stitches. I will see to it that OP gets your message. Best wishes!
