fredag 22 juli 2011

Some of my handspun - 2010

These are some of the yarns that I made during 2010 - the year I learned to spin:

1. My first handspun - on spindle (Kundert). 
White and brown wool of unknown origin. Spun in S and plied in Z

2.This is my first yarn, for twined knitting, spun on a spinning wheel.
I used my Majacraft Little Gem for spinning, and a Louet S10 for plying. It is an attempt to spin a yarn that is similar to Wålstedts yarn for twined knitting. I used fleece from Swedish Rya (dark brown, almost black), Gotländskt Pälsull (grey) and Leicester (white). I mixed these with a drum carder and then added some coloured fleece for “accent”. Then I spun in S, and plied in Z. 400 grams all in all.

3. Gotland - Handspun for Twined Knitting
This was spun on my Little Gem and plied on a Louet S10.
Spun in S and plied in Z. The fleece is Gotländsk Pälsull in grey. 80 grams.

4. Mixed Spelsau - Handspun for Twined Knitting
We were gifted Spelsau fleece from Norway by a friend!
After sorting and washing some of the grey spelsau (70 %) I mixed it with some wool that was dyed red (30 %) during hand carding. I then spun in S and plied in Z. It was an experiment but I am quite pleased with the result. This is a very strong yarn and I believe it will be very good for things (mittens) that need to be durable for many years. Since I took my first spinning class in August I have almost done no knitting at all - I will have to start knitting again soon. Spinning has proved as addictive as knitting!

5.  Shetland - for Twined Knitting
Dark brown Shetland, spun in S plied in Z (as usual …).

1 kommentar:

  1. I am so happy you have made this blog. I love seeing all your work and there are many things that I would love to try but never seem to have the time.
    Now I have reference point to come to when a moment makes pops up.
    Thank you.
